Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth: Fostering Mental Health and Well-being

Supporting LGBTQ+ Youth

The Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute (PPI) is committed to fostering the mental health and well-being of LGBTQ+ youth, a particularly vulnerable population in Central Pennsylvania. We believe that creating a nurturing and accepting environment can significantly improve their mental health outcomes. Within this article, we share actionable advice for allies, parents, educators and mental health professionals to effectively support these youth and promote their resilience.

Strengthen Social Support Networks

Social support plays a pivotal role in LGBTQ+ youth’s well-being. Parents, family members, teachers, friends and classmates can provide emotional backing and resources to counter potential hardships.

What can you do?

  • Offer acceptance. A high level of acceptance from friends and family reduces suicide ideation and attempts among LGBTQ+ youth.
  • Encourage the building of relationships with both LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ allies to foster resilience and create a sense of community.

LGBTQ+ Role Models for Kids: Megan Rapinoe, Soccer Player; Mauree Turner, U.S. State Lawmaker; Nyle DiMarco, Model; Schuyler Bailar, Swimmer; Wednesday Holmes, Visual Artist; Lindsay Amer, YouTuber; X González, Activist; Admiral Rachel L. Levine, MD, Assistant Secretary for Health

Encourage Access to Role Models

Positive portrayals of LGBTQ+ individuals in media and real life can evoke hope and reduce feelings of isolation among LGBTQ+ youth.

What can you do?

  • Introduce the LGBTQ+ youth in your circle to role models they can relate to.
  • Connect with local support network in the Harrisburg, Lancaster, Lebanon and York areas.

Cultivate Supportive Environments

Schools, homes and communities that are inclusive and protective positively impact LGBTQ+ youth’s mental well-being.

What can you do?

  • Encourage your local schools to endorse the formation of Gender and Sexuality Alliances (GSAs) and enforce comprehensive anti-bullying policies.
  • Request local businesses establish all-gender bathrooms.

Develop Coping Mechanisms

Promoting safe spaces where LGBTQ+ youth can explore positive coping skills such as seeking LGBTQ+ resources, practicing mindfulness and talking to supportive individuals is essential to their mental health and well-being.

What can you do?

  • If you are an educator, counselor or health professional, demonstrate that your office is a safe zone, encouraging LGBTQ+ youth to share their experiences without fear of judgment.

Keep Learning

Continual education about LGBTQ+ identities and challenges is fundamental to effective support.

What can you do?

Eliminate Shame

Acknowledge and affirm LGBTQ+ youth’s experiences.

What can you do?

  • Start nonjudgmental discussions to encourage open dialogue.
  • Practice active listening.
  • Avoid dismissive statements. For example, “It’s just a phase” or “You’re too young to know.”
  • If you witness any behavior or language that is disrespectful or harmful towards LGBTQ+ people, address it immediately.

Affirm Their Individuality

Treat LGBTQ+ youth like any other child to reinforce their sense of normalcy and belonging.

What can you do?

  • Show interest in their passions and acknowledge their achievements to foster their confidence and self-worth.

Respect Their Coming Out Process

Navigating the complex journey of self-disclosure is a deeply personal process for LGBTQ+ youth. Support them during this transformative period by respecting their autonomy and preparing them for potential challenges.

What can you do?

  • Allow LGBTQ+ youth to determine their timeline and the people they wish to disclose their identities to.
  • Ensure they feel prepared to handle potentially challenging situations by helping them to strengthen their self-assurance.

Seek LGBTQ+ Affirming Health Care Providers

Identifying physical and mental health providers who affirm and support LGBTQ+ individuals can significantly improve their well-being.

What can you do?

With understanding, compassion and the right tools, we can all contribute to fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ youth. Your support can make all the difference.

“In the journey towards mental wellness, remember you’re not alone. Reaching out isn’t a sign of defeat, but a victory over stigma. At PPI, we’re your allies, steadfast in the belief that everyone deserves understanding and compassionate care.”
– Ruth S. Moore, director of community engagement, diversity & inclusion

If you’d like to learn more about the PPI’s approach to LGBTQ+ mental health, please don’t hesitate to contact us by phone, (866) 746-2496 or through our website. We’re committed to providing an inclusive, welcoming space where everyone can access the care and support they need.