Mental Health and the Queer Workplace: Creating Inclusive and Supportive Environments

Mental Health & the Queer Workplace

At the Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute (PPI), we advocate for the creation of a mentally healthy work environment that supports all employees, including those who identify as LGBTQ+. By revising policies, initiating conversations and taking proactive action, Central Pennsylvania businesses can foster a more inclusive atmosphere.

“At PPI, we understand the intricate interplay between mental health and every facet of life, particularly in our work environments,” shared Ruth S. Moore, director of community engagement, diversity & inclusion. “Inclusivity and acceptance aren’t just nice to have. They are essential. They fuel healthier mental landscapes, reduce stress and elevate engagement and dedication. As an organization, we stand firm on the belief that an environment that prioritizes mental health and celebrates diversity isn’t just morally correct — it’s a smart business strategy. Such an atmosphere encourages innovation, creativity and productivity, molding a workplace where every individual is empowered to thrive.”

Eight Ways to Create an Inclusive and Supportive Workplace for the LGBTQ+ Community

Vocalize Your Intentions Clearly
In the quest for LGBTQ+ inclusivity, the first step is to voice your commitment to nondiscrimination loud and clear. It is essential to incorporate this commitment into employee handbooks or official nondiscrimination statements, explicitly including sexual orientation and gender identity.
Establish an Inclusive Atmosphere
Developing an inclusive atmosphere begins with the formation of an LGBTQ+ group for employees. Moreover, the company can illustrate its support by participating in Pride events and advocating for LGBTQ+ causes. For example, PPI attends the annual Pride Festival of Central PA, actively highlighting our support for the queer community.
Demonstrate Leadership in Inclusivity
Leadership plays a pivotal role in fostering inclusivity. Clear communication from management about the importance of diversity and acceptance sets a transparent company stance and lays the groundwork for an open culture.
Integrate Diversity into Human Resources Policies
Building diversity into HR policies is a strategic way to foster acceptance. This involves reaching out to university LGBTQ+ groups during recruitment, enforcing structured interviews to remove biases, and holding interviewers accountable for their selection. Ensuring these inclusive values are reflected on the company’s website and social media channels is equally important.
Create a Welcoming Candidate Experience
It’s crucial to communicate inclusivity right from the recruitment stage. All job postings should explicitly state that all orientations and gender identities are welcome to apply. This clearly signals LGBTQ+ inclusion, encouraging potential candidates to apply.
Offer Internal Support
Offer resources and training to your employees for better LGBTQ+ inclusion. Help them understand the importance of respectful behavior and using preferred pronouns. This ensures that everyone can interact as they wish to be interacted with.
Show Your Pride
Show your pride not only during Pride Month but all year round. Whether flying the rainbow flag or launching social media campaigns, each effort communicates your commitment to equality.
Develop Ally Programs
Starting an ally program for LGBTQ+ employees lay a strong foundation for a more diverse and inclusive work environment.

The Value of an Inclusive and Supportive Workplace

Navigating today’s business world requires a keen understanding of diversity and inclusion. It’s no longer enough to merely open doors to different groups. Today, the most successful companies actively court diversity, knowing that a wide array of experiences and perspectives can significantly enhance the work environment and the company’s overall performance.

Enhanced Creativity and Problem-solving: A diverse workforce encompasses a broad array of experiences, skills, perspectives and insights. This diverse pool of knowledge and experiences sparks innovation, creativity and strategic thinking. Employee relationships are also strengthened when coworkers can connect based on their diverse backgrounds or shared experiences, which improves workplace collaboration.

Smarter Decision-making: Diversity enables a wider range of sources and experiences to draw from, leading to more informed decisions and better business outcomes. Diverse individuals are known to process facts more carefully, contributing to smarter, data-driven decisions.

Increased Profits and Productivity: Inclusive companies often attract ambitious professionals, resulting in a more motivated, efficient workforce, and increased productivity and profitability. A survey from Indeed, a global job site with over 250 million monthly unique visitors, found that 55% of job seekers deem it highly important to work at a company that prioritizes diversity and inclusion.

A multifaceted approach is essential to support LGBTQ+ mental health in the workplace. Incorporating these steps will not only foster a more productive, effective and loyal team but also enhance overall business performance.

Discrimination At Work

Are you a LGBTQ+ worker experiencing discrimination in the workplace? The Lancaster LGBTQ+ Coalition offers a guide to workers facing discrimination and the actionable steps they can take to respond.

Find the guide on their website.